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Survey, Lay-up, and Conversion of 2 LNG vessels

Reference Marine were contracted to carry out pre-purchase surveys three Moss type LNG vessels with a view towards future conversion to floating storage.

A full survey was undertaken incorporating an inspection of all areas and ballast tanks as well as a review of all maintenance records. Ultrasonic thickness measurements were taken during the inspection as well as a video of the inspection. A full report on each vessel was submitted to the owner

Based on the reports two vessels were purchased and sent to cold layup awaiting conversion. Reference Marine were contracted to ensure a high quality of lay-up and subsequently to carry out regular inspections to confirm continued quality of lay-up

During the initial engineering phase of the conversion project Reference Marine were further contracted to give the following services

  1. Survey to confirm safety requirements of proposed port state authority together with said authority
  2. Take core samples of insulation for condition analysis
  3. Supervise the transfer of all remaining fuel oil from the vessels
  4. Provide expert advise on vessel operational and conversion requirements
  5. Supervise safety precautions and manage the inspection of the cargo tanks
  6. Provide detailed aerial photography and video of the vessel for reference purposes (available on website)
  7. Provide underwater inspection of the vessel using a portable ROV for condition purposes (available on website)

At time of writing inspections and support work are continuing with the vessels due for conversion in late 2020.

Site Supervision

Reference Marine were retained to provide the following services to a bulk carrier owning company

  1. Site supervision of newbuild program in China of 12 Green handy-size bulkers.
  2. Pre purchase inspections including underwater inspections, vibration analysis, thermal camera survey. It should be noted that the underwater ROV inspections particularly assisted the buyer in negotiating the best deal.
  3. Dry docking and repair periods supervision of 14 handy-size bulkers including 2nd and 3rd renewal dockings.
  4. Liaising with and guiding the vessels third party managers to ensure best practises were followed.

The contract finished when the company was bought over, and the new owner had these services inhouse.

FLNG Pre-FEED Studies

Reference Marine were contracted to provide the following support for a proposed FLNG installation.

  1. Specification writing and review
  2. Initial meetings with prospective shipyards
  3. Final meeting with selected shipyard
  4. Engineering support and expert advise on vessel construction and operational requirements
  5. Initial site team requirement review

Onshore LNG Services

Reference Marine were contracted to provide the following services for shore-based installations in North America, including remote mines, iron ore production facilities, aluminium smelters, and farms.

  1. Design of LNG fuel loading, storage, vaporisation and fuel supply systems
  2. Installation of the above systems
  3. Commissioning of the systems
  4. Maintenance of the systems

Many of these installations were in very remote and/or Arctic locations.  Additionally, we designed, oversaw the production, and operated mobile emergency LNG vapourisers for use on distribution systems where maintenance was required.

RMI continues to support this customer in a wide range of services

Scrubber and BWMS Installations

Reference marine were contracted to provide onsite supervision of scrubber installation, Ballast water management systems and steel repairs to 12 super/ultra-max size bulk carriers for a major owner.  The main contract ended with the completion of the 12th vessel but Reference Marine remains retained for follow up maintenance and commissioning work as well as future repair, docking and inspection work based on our performance on this project.

Scrubber and BWMS Installations

Reference Marine were contracted to supervise the second renewal survey, exhaust scrubber installation and ballast water management system installation on a 300,000dwt VLCC owned by a major tanker operator. RMI were able to mobilise in China during the Covid-19 lockdown period and provide full coverage of the docking as well as using our local knowledge to advise on contractors suitable for use. Vessel was completed on budget and 3 days ahead of schedule.

Funnel Build

RMI were contracted to provide full quality control coverage in China of a new funnel build for a VLCC exhaust gas scrubber. The Owners could not attend the inspections due to the Covid-19 lockdown. RMI were able to mobilise in China and provide full construction and outfitting inspection services including full reports.

Underwater Surveys

RMI were contracted to carry out an underwater inspection of a laid-up LNG vessel in Port Dickson, Malaysia to ascertain the level of fouling.  The inspection was carried out by ROV in poor visibility and high current conditions.  The clarity of the video footage was good enough for the owner to dry dock the vessel after reactivation to clean the hull.

Hydrographic Riverbed Surveying

RMI were contracted to conduct an initial underwater survey of a riverbed in an extremely remote area of Borneo. The survey was undertaken using local river craft and a combination of 3-dimensional down imaging sonar and side imaging sonar allowing us to create a substantial 3-D hydrographical representation of the riverbed.  This information is being used as part of a feasibility study for shipping in the area.

FPSO Surveys

Reference Marine were contracted to survey in detail three laid up FPSO’s for future use and expansion of production plant.  Based on our surveys one vessel was selected and is now in service with additional production plant.

River Cruise Vessel – Insurance Survey

Reference Marine were contracted to sail with and survey a high-end river cruise vessel on the Mekong River. The main focus of the survey was compliance with a recently introduced ISM system as well as a review of general safety on board.  Several major recommendations and some minor ones were introduced post inspection.

Pre-Purchase Survey and Inspection

Reference Marine have been contracted to do pre-purchase surveys on over 30 vessels.  These have been on all major vessel types and have included under water inspections by ROV, thermal surveys using infrared cameras, aerial photography using drones.  Whilst the purchasing decisions based on all of our surveys have not always been made public, there are a number of known instances where vessels have been rejected for purchase or substantial price reductions have been achieved based on the outcome of our surveys.

Insurance – Ferry Fire Safety Survey

Reference Marine were contracted to survey a shipyard for fire safety precautions during the refit of a ferry in China. This inspection was carried out for insurance reasons and the resulting recommendations were all implemented resulting in full insurance coverage for the vessel during the docking period.